Our GeoIP testing solution. Proxy servers around the world provide easy and accurate testing of GeoIP sensitive applications.
- Fast servers around the world: 264 locations, in 95 countries on 6 continents
- Designed with GeoIP in mind: granular locations in the US, lots of global servers including areas with a high risk of fraud
- Live network status at wonderproxy.com
- Automateable testing, support for HTTPS
FWIW we're very happy with Wonderproxy. You guys have made international rollouts much easier.

Where’s it Up?
Our free server status testing tool. Allows users to see if a website is accessible from any of our global locations, reporting on PING, DNS, and HTTP status. API Access provided for programatic consumption.
- Using our network of servers you can be sure if your website is up throughout the world
- Simply type in a URL and select the global locations you're interested in
I just saved a LOT of panic when my local router/DNS cache got confused, by using http://pro.wheresitup.com Thanks @wonderproxy @preinheimer.

Screenshots from around the world without a single customs agent.
- Loads full screenshots of your website from various cities around the world
- Sign up with your team and track your history
- Choose up to nine custom locations
Global Ping Statistics
Providing ping times between 264 global locations. Detailed information useful when researching data centre locations or establishing performance baselines.
Super handy site to see latency between cities: https://wondernetwork.com/pings

Where’s it Fast?
Check page load time from global locations to ensure your international users receive fantastic performance.
- Global servers load your page in a WebKit browser
- Simply type in a URL and we start working
Know how fast your site runs around the world? Check out http://bit.ly/1CPTbWr From the great minds of @WonderProxy